Clever Ways an Expert Maintains a Vehicle

A vehicle is a good investment that helps the owner to move to different places. As such, experts should keep their dream car for as long as possible and in good condition. According to consumer reports, a car can last 200,000 miles and beyond if well-maintained. For a car to serve you this long, you must take good care of it. With that said, here is how an expert maintains a vehicle.

1. Covers Their Bases

When buying a new vehicle, people spend a fair amount of time comparing options to get the best features. An expert considers the car’s insurance coverage the same way. Car insurance prices vary with the company and the type of coverage. And an expert maintains a vehicle by gathering the information to find the best insurance.

An expert will gather their driver and vehicle information at the start of the process. Basic information includes the driver’s name and birth date. The second information required is the driving history, like traffic violations, at-fault accidents, and safe driving training documents.

On the other hand, the vehicle information includes the model, year of manufacturing, vehicle identification number, odometer reading, the make, etc. The second thing an expert does to maintain a vehicle is to determine how much car insurance they need. There are different types of insurance coverage like:

  • Liability car insurance – it covers injuries to others and property damage. If the injured person finds a vehicle accident attorney to sue the driver, it covers legal expenses.
  • Collision car insurance – it covers the car repair bills in case of collision.
  • Comprehensive car insurance – it pays to repair or replace a vehicle stolen or damaged by weather, falling objects, fire, or collision with animals.
  • Personal injury protection – it pays the owner and the passenger’s medical bills in case of an accident.

An expert should also cover rental reimbursement insurance, which pays extra transportation costs. Roadside assistance insurance also benefits the driver because it pays for emergency services. Examples of emergency services are towing, battery jump-start, and oil or gas delivery.

2. Finds the Right Dealership

An expert will choose the right car dealership when purchasing a vehicle. A registered dealership gives the car owner peace of mind when purchasing a car because they have quality cars. A good dealer offers the car buyer several options in one place, and that’s how they choose the best car.

With the right dealership, the buyer maintains a vehicle with the help of the warranty. Registered dealerships get manufacturer-backed extended warranties that provide coverage for production defects. For instance, according to CNET, the Honda Pilot had several engine failures, which was the manufacturer’s fault.

With the right dealership, the car owner can trade in the vehicle with a newer model if they need more advanced features. This allows them to give the car to the dealer and get a new one at a lower price, depending on the depreciation rate. Finally, the right dealer gives the car owner several payment options. This allows the owner to save some money for insurance and repairs.

3. Prepares for the Worst

A good car owner prepares for the worst because accidents happen unplanned. A good car owner first keeps the emergency kit in the car. An emergency kit contains batteries, water, flares, reflectors, first aid kits, blankets, flashlights, etc. It should be in an easily accessible car area for easy grabbing in case of collisions.

The first thing a person does is to assess the situation in case of an accident. They check their safety, that of passengers, and the surrounding. Afterward, they call the authorities to help the injured passengers and for the road to be cleared. They also look for witnesses to help the police officers get unbiased information.

An expert car owner must ensure they have the right tires depending on the season. Car tires play a vital role in safety. For example, winter tires have a higher natural rubber content, enabling them to operate at their optimum during rain, snow, and cold roads.

Summer tires have larger tread blocks and fewer sipes. This increases the amount of rubber that gets into contact with the road. Choosing the right tires enables better handling and safety at all times. On the other hand, a good car owner drives carefully and follows traffic instructions.

An expert maintains a vehicle by regularly detailing it because road grime and salt can damage the paint job. They always have an extra automotive wax in their garage to show their vehicles love after drive trips. Usually, people wax their cars before and after the winter seasons. At least twice a year is enough to keep the car exterior sparkling.

4. Has the Right Equipment

Before hitting the road, experts must ensure they have the right equipment for car maintenance and safety. The most common are the car jack, the flashlight, and jumper cables. But surprisingly, many car owners don’t know the use of this equipment. Jumper cables come in handy when the car battery drains.

With the help of jumper cables, car drivers can request help from other drivers with functional cars to jump-start their engines. The car jack is very helpful if the car gets a puncture. Drivers use the jack to lift the vehicle and change the tire. Another essential piece of equipment an expert carries is the life hammer which helps break the windows or cut the seat belts in an emergency.

A tow strap is another item good car owners must have. In case the vehicle breaks down and the repair shop is far away, they can request someone to help them tow the car to the nearest shop. Duct tapes and scissors are also necessary to cut or cover the hanging wires in the vehicle.

A good car owner must have WD-40 to treat rusted screws and bolts. Tire inflators are also necessary for the experts because the spare wheel sometimes loses pressure. The inflator can help balance the tire pressure or inflate the spare wheel before fixing it.

Lastly, an expert maintains a vehicle by ensuring the car muffler and the catalytic converter are fully functional. The muffler helps reduce noise pollution while the catalytic converter balances the amount of poisonous gas released into the atmosphere. Failure to have these components in good condition violates the traffic law.

5. Knows Who to Call

When a car breaks down, an expert’s crucial step is determining who to call. Currently, several mobile apps help drivers search for the nearest shops and towing services. However, a driver must understand the services they need for their car.

Some shops have specific services they offer to their clients. For instance, if a driver gets a puncture, they should call the tire shop to help fix the issue. The same case with the engine malfunction. Engine experts are different from vehicle electrical system engineers.

As such, car owners must have basic information about how the car system works. They can also purchase the OBD II scan tool to help determine the cause of the problem before calling for help. Larger trucks require heavy hauling services, which are offered in nearly all states. By searching “hauling services near me,” truck drivers can get quick help. Make sure you know who to call before an emergency occurs.

6. Has a Spotless Windshield

An expert maintains a vehicle by keeping the windscreen clean and spotless. First, they maintain a safe distance from the front vehicle because tires can throw loose chippings on the windscreen. Secondly, they drive carefully on rough roads to avoid potential accidents that can damage the windshield.

A clean windshield reduces glare for the driver to see the road ahead clearly. But a grimy haze can build up if the windshield is not cleaned professionally. Unfortunately, the grimy haze is apparent on sunny days only. Most auto glass repair shops offer professional windshield cleaning.

7. Has Connections in Towing

According to Carsurance, there are around 47,618 towing businesses in the US. With the internet, a car owner can search for the nearest towing business and get quick service. But that’s not what an expert does. An expert has a connection with the towing services because of several benefits they can enjoy.

The first benefit of having a good relationship with the towing service is that they know the best repair shops in an area. So, apart from the towing services, they get the best advice depending on the car issue. The second benefit of having a good connection with the towing services is getting services at a lower cost.

Third, drivers connected with the towing services can trust them with their car if they are not around. For instance, if the car breaks down while on a journey, the 24 hour towing service can take it to the repair shop. The owner may find an alternative means of transport to proceed with their journey.

8. Always Checks Their Brakes

Optimal brake function helps sustain the ability of the vehicle to stop quickly and smoothly. An expert maintains a vehicle knowing the brake system is vital to vehicle safety. Regular maintenance of the brake system prolongs the brake’s life and prevents wear and tear of the vehicle tires and suspension system.

An expert always takes the car for brake repair whenever they notice a fault with the system. They rely on the dashboard warning lights by the computer system and regular system inspection. An expert has a brake system checklist they refer to when inspecting the system. Here is an example of the checklist:

  • Brake fluid level
  • Brake lines
  • Brake pads
  • Brake rotor
  • Master cylinder
  • Wheel cylinder
  • Brake caliper
  • The parking brake
  • Brake sensors
  • Brake pedal

The most crucial thing an expert does after inspecting the brake system is to ensure the tail lights are functional. The car has brake lights that alert the driver behind that the car in front is stopping. This is a vital feature that helps avoid accidents when driving on highways.

9. Has the Right People on Speed Dial

According to Social Rach, three contacts should always be saved in the speed dial. The first one is the emergency service. Emergency services include the police and the hospital or a personal doctor. Emergency services may also include the tow truck and repair shop that maintains a vehicle.

The second contact is professional services. These include people who can help with medical issues, business advice, and vehicle repairs. An expert considers the specific and regular needs when saving professional contacts on their phone’s speed dial. The third contact is for family and friends who can come in handy in an emergency.

10. Knows the Right Place to Park

A good driver maintains a vehicle by knowing the safest places to park. Public parking areas are the best place to park a vehicle in the city. Experts park in the garage at home to protect the vehicle from the weather. Parking the vehicle around busy driveways can lead to accidents.

Sometimes, they can park the car in an open space, but they always have a car cover to protect it from snow. Snow can damage the paint job when being wiped out in the morning. Secondly, birds can poop on the car and damage the paint. The car must always be covered or parked under a car shed.

Moreover, an expert knows how to drive and brake the vehicle around the driveways. Instant braking and careless driving can damage the driveway sealcoating. When it comes to parking, experts know how to position their cars. They don’t block the way for other cars because they can scratch their car paint job.

A wise person maintains a vehicle because it’s essential for family weekend outs and daily commute to work or running errands. Good vehicle maintenance starts immediately after leaving the dealership. An expert will insure the vehicle and inspect it every time before driving. And if they notice any issue, they seek professional services immediately.

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